Coming Soon: The Proofreader’s Guide to Comic Book Style

When I first started working with comics, I went looking for a guide to all the important elements of editorial style that copyeditors and proofreaders should know—like the dashes, the crossbar I’s, the bold italics, and how to spot problems with caption boxes and speech balloons. There are great books about other comics writing, editing, and publishing topics, but I never could find one with all the specific editorial details I wanted.

So, some years and experience later (and after some prodding from well-meaning editor friends), I decided to write that book myself. It’s called The Proofreader’s Guide to Comic Book Style, and it will be available soon!

In addition to conventions for punctuation, capitalization, numbers, emphasis, special symbols, sound effects, and more in North American comics, I cover the mechanics and workflow of copyediting and proofreading, from scripts to lettered panels. Whether you work with big superhero series, indie graphic novels, or webtoons, there will be something here for you.