LinkedIn Is for Freelancers, Too

I have another post up on the Professional Editors Network blog, and this one is all about LinkedIn!

LinkedIn isn’t a huge part of my online activity, but getting your profile up to scratch doesn’t have to take a lot of effort and can definitely net you some benefits. A few easy improvements that can make a big difference in your presence on the site—including the “provides services“ widget, a feature that LinkedIn started rolling out a while back but that you might need some insider knowledge to access.

Although you might associate the site with in-house positions, it can be a great tool for freelancers to show off skills and experience, keep in touch with existing networking contacts, forge new connections, and market themselves to potential clients. Even if you’re already swimming in work, it never hurts to establish another way for people to find you.

It should go without saying that different freelancers will have different degrees of success using LinkedIn. The services you offer, the clients you cater to, and the amount of effort you put into the platform can all play a role (among other factors). But even if you use your profile more as a static online résumé than as a tool for active networking and marketing, implementing certain onetime tweaks can get you some long-term benefits with minimal upkeep required.

Read on in 9 Tips for Freelancers on LinkedIn.
